Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Battle at Kruger

I've been so busy lately that I haven't been able to blog for so long!
I'm still really occupied with things to do so, here's just a video I watched at the Leadership Camp about a week ago. Never in my life have I watched a video this moving.
I'll tell you why, but just watch the video first, very carefully. Watch the whole video.
(Tune out the music - this was the only short video that I found unfortunately with a not-very-good malay song. The one I watched at camp, the music was.. sooo good)

If you watched the video closely, you would've seen the four lions crouching first, getting ready to get it's prey. Then after awhile, one lion goes for the baby buffalo and the other follow behind to help. The few other buffalo's that were with the baby buffalo ran away. So yes, now the lion's fallen into the river, and an alligator comes out and gets hold of the buffalo and the lion and the alligator start tugging on the buffalo, each trying to get something to eat.

But all that is besides the point I'm trying to make.
If you realised, after awhile, all of a sudden, hundreds and HUNDREDS, maybe thousands of buffalo's, I don't know, that huge herd of buffalo's came to save that ONE baby buffalo. I remember, while I was watching this at the camp, I started to tear(yeah I know, you might think "WHAT? she cried about buffalo's and lions ah?!" but seriously, this really moved me) I remember thinking, if animals, creatures without the power of CHOICE, without a consience, can come together just to save ONE baby buffalo, why can't WE, us humans, gifted with the power of CHOICE, with a consience, CANNOT come TOGETHER, UNITED, to help contribute to save our generation, to save the next, or to just help make this world that belongs to.. ALL of us a little bit better.

You know, I learnt this at camp too, about Ownership. Sometimes, we forget that, this world of ours, or the people living in it, it really belongs to every single one of us.

And yeah, everyone says "Yes yes, it's my Earth too, my world too" but if it really is something that BELONGS to us, don't you think that it isn't only the duty of a fraction of the world to make this place better to live in? Shouldn't it then be the duty of ALL of us? I mean, for instance, our room belongs to us, and we take care of it well, because well, it belongs to us, so yes, we want it to be nice and decent and pretty and comfortable, so it's the exact same thing with the world we live in.

Maybe you think that what you do now, has no effect on the betterment of the world. Maybe you think that there are enough people out there trying to make this world a better place to live in. One of the facillitators, Daniel, said "You might not be able to change the whole world but you can change the world of one". Isn't that already really good? Even in the video of the lions and the buffalo's, if you were watching closely, only a few of the buffalo's in the front row attacked the lions, and the rest of them were there, behind all of them, playing their parts, whether it be big or small, they were playing their parts. The impact that it made, when ALL of those buffalo's came together united, made all the difference in the world. We think sometimes that it's only the work of the government, the NGO's, or activists to be the ones upfront, okay well, that's who we SEE doing all the work, and we think that's enough and we always say "Leave it to them to do it", but it really does make all the difference in the world if everyone, and I mean, everyone, comes together, works together for something that really, we all want. The little things that we do to contribute really does make a difference, whether or not you are being noticed for it.

"Not everyone is prominent, but everyone is significant"


I love gaining new insights.

leaving for Penang in 8 hours :)

I need a goooood break.

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