Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Fasting Month

So, it's the 3rd day of the fasting month.
I was at Navin's mom's house for break fast on the first day, and ofcourse, Grandpa spoke a little about what the fast means. We often equate the fast with spirituality ofcourse, but I think most of the time it becomes more material than spiritual. Sometimes I forget the mere essence and reason behind why we fast, but that Tuesday night, Grandpa helped me remember. Because of fasting, and because it is, IF we don't think it through, a material hardship. What I mean is that, well, we start to feel hungry, thirsty,etc and most of the time, that almost becomes a veil to me forgetting what the fasting month is really all about because really, sometimes I forget and I tend to want to just get through the day as quickly as possible to break fast :/

Yes, we abstain from food and drink from the break of dawn until the sun sets at night. Yes, we have to resist all temptations of wanting to satisfy our hungry bellies during the midday, but I think it's not just abstaining from these material things. At the end of the fasting month, after having resisted the temptations materially, I think it would help me resist the worldly temptations that we face in our every day lives. It makes us people with stonger will power, it'll make me a stronger person I hope.

The purpose of the fast, now, to me, is to help us mould ourselves to become better people and to start the year holding on to and practicing the new things that we might've not learnt if it wasn't for the fasting month.
And yes, some people might ask, "Why can't you practice those virtues everyday of the year?", "Why have a specific fasting month to only realise the things that you can realise even without the fasting month?", "Shouldn't we know and do this everyday already?"

and well.. Yes.

But we are all only human, and well.. unfortunately, I think everybody needs a good reminder. I know I do. The fasting month is that to me.

Have a good 16 days left :)

And Ma, if you're reading this, I miss you! and I hope you're having a good time fasting in cold cold New York :)

Break fast with the youth and Juan tonight :') cant.wait!

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