Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hello :)

Yuna - Deeper Conversation from adam on Vimeo.

I was browsing through Soul Pancake when I came across this question,

If you were to write a one-line message on a paper plane that a stranger would find, what would you say?

I have yet to figure that out.

But then again, I think a simple "Hello" and a warm smile can make a person's day. Well, I know a simple "Hello :)" would make my day.

Society today almost makes us think that it's just "weird" and "confusing" when a random person says "Hello" and flashes a big,bright smile at you but why?
Is is wrong to be friendly and say Hello or Goodmorning? or smile at you, just.. because.

Some people might think that it's a small step for society(in Malaysia) to overcome this, but I think it's a big step. Our culture has yet learnt this.
But then, some people are scared due to safety reasons. Mhm, I remember talking about this during Ruhi last Saturday, and you know, to me, in my opinion, it's okay to say Hello and smile at someone you don't know but I'm not saying you have to cater to eeeeveryone. Everything we do requires thought and wisdom. For example, if a suspicious looking person were to come up to you and say Hello and started asking you personal questions and it didn't seem safe, you shouldn't just follow him and da da da, you get what I mean.

I just think it would be nice to walk out of your home, and to have a neighbour you've never met before say "Hello", or even to walk in the street and to have someone smile at you and wish you "Goodmorning :)". Wouldn't that make you feel so warm,happy and loved?

I remember in my visit to the U.S. a couple of years ago, the people there were so warm and welcoming. People in the street would say Hello and smile at you and that made me feel so warm,happy and loved inside.
Even the cashiers at the grocery store would just start random conversations with you, asking you "How are you today?", "Has your day been good so far?" and things like that. Wouldn't that be so nice?

I think that's one of the things we should learn from Western culture, to be friendly and warm to everyone.

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