Friday, October 9, 2009

It's time to repaint myself.

Mummy and I were just talking about it yesterday.
About the person he is, or rather.. was.
The doctor asked Aunty Molly to call the family to go down to Singapore.
I think everyone knew it was time.
but there was still a slight doubt in my mind that it wouldn't happen so fast.

I don't know him well and we weren't very close but the times when he was around, I could feel the warmth and love he had for the family and for everyone he met.
When we had the big family reunions, he was always the funny, fun loving, happy, and loving one. Despite not talking to him, I could see that he just really wanted everyone to be happy.
Mummy said what he really wanted was for the family to be united. I think he made it happen.
I've never really experienced loss, except when my great grandmother passed away, but then again, I was really little back then, only 5.
I see things differently now.

Like how Mummy was telling me yesterday when we were talking about uncle,

Life's too short for hatred and anger.

I realised, on my death bed, whenever that may be, I'd want to be satisfied and happy and fulfilled about who i am, and know that I have given more than enough and hopefully contributed my part to better the world.

Mhm, which reminds me, I've got alot to work on and I'm not going to wait another day before I start to change or at least to try my very best.

I have some things that I must patch up today. It kills me to think that I'm only doing this now, after what happened but I guess.. at least, now, I know.

I hope he's happy, wherever he may be.
I know that he's not suffering anymore. He's in good hands.

God bless his soul.

9th October 2009, 1.45 am : My granduncle, Jayattan, passed away.

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