A place where you constantly think about?
I have.
& that place is.. Mentari :)
For y'all who don't know what or where Mentari is, it is a low cost flat, in the border of PJ and Subang.
Doesn't sound like an ideal place to long to be?
Well,not until you experience the joy you share with the people living in it.
It isn't anything luxurious, and well, it isn't the cleanest place, and definitely not the best looking, but the warmth that I get whenever I'm there is so so much more than enough.
Never in my life have I wanted to be somewhere more than I want to be serving at Mentari.
I leave Mentari every week feeling so fulfilled, so full of joy, so full of love and unity. A feeling that not many places have.
I teach a Children's Class every Sunday at Desa Mentari with my cousin, Alayna.
We teach the children virtues like Service, Obedience, Truthfulness, Love, Unity, Generosity and the list goes on. Every week, we go prepared with a lesson on how to impart such virtues in them. With a story, games, discussions and most importantly PRACTICING the virtues in their everyday life.
We started off with just 7 children attending, and now, in just less than 3 months serving at Mentari, we've got 35 children attending.
Nothing brings me more joy than seeing these children slowly evolve into better human beings.
It is so nice to see all of them slowly change (for the better, ofcourse) in front of your eyes. It brings me the greatest joy.
My life has completely changed after going to Mentari.
It is my constant reminder to practice virtues, and to be the best that I can be.
For that, I am so thankful :)
VERY few pictures out of the hundreds that I can upload now because blogger is not cooperating haha
THIS is Nick a.k.a kongpotapa HAHAHHAHAH sorry inside joke heeh :)
He drives us to Mentari EVERY Sunday.
and he is a great mentor to us young youth.
We love you HAHAH really lah. you give us something to talk about. well, YOU are the topic.
It never gets boring talking about you hahahah :D
so funny lah you

This is Nishanth :)
one of the children that attend.
he is one of the children that really stand out hahah in his own special way.
such a sweeeet boy, cheeky, but sweet :)

the whole group that goes to Mentari. well okay, not the whole group.
there are many more, but they just aren't in the picture.
heh :)
please ignore my ugllaaay face, thankyouu

just a fraction of the children.

Tomorrow is another Ayyam-i-Ha party at Mentari! yaaay :)
I'll update about that tomorrow when I get back!
with more pictures! :D
see yaah loves