Thursday, August 27, 2009

with the Sha's

I love baby Shaveeee :)
She's just TOO cute. TOO CUTE LAH.

As you can see, they wanted so badly to play dress up, so yup, they raided my closet and my mom's too and this is what happened.
but they look sho cute la :)

This is Shameera

This is Shafireh :)

My favourite pictures of today:)

Today was supposed to be an ordinary day.
But it's hard to have ordinary when the Sha's(Shameera, Shafi, and Shaveeya) are over d:
my cousies.
I liiiikke babysitting :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

dancing in the moonlight

Went out with Harp and Nic yesterday which was nice :)
I’m gonna TRY to diet from today onwards and be more like Harpreet(I needed some inspiration, and yes I got it from you,woman HAHA) because!

Today, went out with Mummy,Papa and Nayna.
And I fiiiiiiinally got the book I wanted! “Middlesex” (no,it’s not some sick dirty book. It tells the story of this teenager who doesn’t only have female genetics, but male genetics too. She’s intersexual,you see)
I heard about the book from Oprah(ofcourse) and ever since, I’ve been DYING to read the book. So yay :)
Also, I bought another Chicken Soup series. Ah, I feel very satisfied.
Thank God for the MPH vouchers I got cause of PMR :) Thank you DJ’s Residence Association. You are very kind,indeed. :) haha.

Off to burry myself in my brand new books :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

the bridge over troubled water

you know how there are some people, that when they smile, you can't help but feel happy and smile too? even if they aren't smiling at you, but just smiling?
that's how I feel about the children at Mentari. or any child for that matter.
It's funny how one smile can turn your day around.
haha. that's Tharven :) he's one of the kids I teach at the children's class in Mentari.
this was taken last Sunday.
one look at this, and even if i'm at my lowest of lows, I smile again.

I Couldn't Ask For More

This was after the performance(Jojie,FieFie and I)

getting ready :) fiefie so cantik.

School today was a busy busy day. It was nice to finally perform again :) I love you,Fie,Jo,and Resh. Oh oh! and Stefan :)

One week of holidays. I'm hoping for a good,productive holiday.
I love my Mummy and Papa, I really do. Today, I don't know why, but I had the sudden urge to tell my Papa that he meant alot to me. So in the car, on the way to school, I said, "Papa" "Yep" "No matter what, you're the best Papa in the whole world" "Thank you,darling". I love my Papa. Although he isn't around SO MUCH, but whenever he comes home from a busy day at work, he's always so happy to spend time with us. Everybody lights up, the energy in the house is filled with so much joy. It's like he always wants us to be happy, though he isn't exactly the sentimental type, but I know, deep down, he truly loves us, and I know that everything he does, he does for us,the family, and everyone else.
I love my Nayna, and Nil aaand Sonia.
I can't ask for a better family.
I am truly blessed to have that one group of people I know I can always count on, my family. I really do have the most fun when I'm with them. No words can describe how important they are to me.
I love you,family :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

time after time

I read something in Fie's blog that really striked me.
"Our friends reflect the choices we make in life"
It really made me think.
The friends we make and the friends we have actually portait the kind of life we want to lead, whether good or bad.
If friends can be thaaat influencing, my gosh, do we have to choose our friends wisely.
For example, if your friends are people who spend alot of money, who party alot, who drink alot, you would tend to follow such activities. Sometimes even without realising that they influence you that much.
Or if your friends are productive, happy, a little different from the rest but people who set high principles, you would tend to lean to that side,also.

Having good people around you is so important,especially at this age, when we are moulding into the people we will be in a few years time.
To me, friends are people who help you make the RIGHT choices, friends who make you a BETTER person, friends that encourage you to practice virtues and to be good people.
Friends, to me, aren't just people that you would go shopping with,or have lunch with, or gossip with. Friends should be people that are good influences,people that want to see you be the person you were made to be,a person that reflects the qualities of God.
To me, that is a true friend.
Those are the ones that will leave marks in your heart forever, because they helped you become a better person.

It took me a long time to understand what true friends are, but now I know and now, I will be extra careful.

Now, I always tell my baby sister to choose her friends wisely because once you've chosen them, it might or will reflect the choices you make in life.
And the decisions you make now, will either come back to haunt you or to remind you of the blissful memories you've been through.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

15th August ♥

The class party and also Stefan's birthday.
It started off a little rough and confusing, but then it ended off really well :)

Fie never stops moving, and I REALLY mean NEVER. You're so crazy la, and sometimes over dramatic, but I love you anyway!

It was Stefan's birthday the day before, so, Resh,or Resh's mom made a cake, and we surprised him!

This year has been so different. I like different. and I love you guys:)

my pasta boy!

I'm so grateful to have you guys as friends.
No matter what anyone says about you guys, if they say you're weird, or if they say we just don't fit "their ways", know that I love you guys the way you are.
The "weird" ones are the ones who are the most interesting to talk to.
What would the world be like without these weird people? Would you really want a world filled with the same kind of people?
How can that possibly be an interesting place to live in.
This is diversity and diversity is good.
I can truly say now, that I'm happy.

Swimming with you guys again next week! :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

unity prayer

The past week : and today... A Baha'i chant on Unity by my darling brother,Nilly and I. We screwed up a little at the end, but aaaah whatever. yeee I'm very malu lah to show the video :S!

O my God! O my God! Unite the hearts of Thy servants, and reveal to them Thy great purpose. May they follow Thy commandments and abide in Thy law. Help them, O God, in their endeavor, and grant them strength to serve Thee. O God! Leave them not to themselves, but guide their steps by the light of Thy knowledge, and cheer their hearts by Thy love. Verily, Thou art their Helper and their Lord. —Bahá’u’lláh


Saturday, August 1, 2009

smile,though your heart is aching.

Mummy always told me "Never give your heart away. At least,not now"
I won't.
I've found so much love in my family, my friends and my Faith. Why do I need to find love elsewhere? I don't. I have all the love I need.
I appreciate everything around me now. I love everything around me. I love my family, I love my friends, I love everything.

Today hasn't exactly been a good day at all. In fact, it was terrible, but the funny thing is, I'm still smiling :)

Oh love,love.
It'll come to me, when the time is right.
