I read something in Fie's blog that really striked me.
Our friends reflect the choices we make in life"
It really made me think.
The friends we make and the friends we have actually portait the kind of life we want to lead, whether good or bad.
If friends can be thaaat influencing, my gosh, do we have to choose our friends wisely.
For example, if your friends are people who spend alot of money, who party alot, who drink alot, you would tend to follow such activities. Sometimes even without realising that they influence you that much.
Or if your friends are productive, happy, a little different from the rest but people who set high principles, you would tend to lean to that side,also.
Having good people around you is so important,especially at this age, when we are moulding into the people we will be in a few years time.
To me, friends are people who help you make the
RIGHT choices, friends who make you a
BETTER person, friends that encourage you to practice virtues and to be good people.
Friends, to me, aren't just people that you would go shopping with,or have lunch with, or gossip with. Friends
should be people that are good influences,people that want to see you be the person you were made to be,a person that reflects the qualities of God.
To me, that is a true friend.
Those are the ones that will leave marks in your heart forever, because they helped you become a better person.
It took me a long time to understand what true friends are, but now I know and now, I will be extra careful.
Now, I always tell my baby sister to choose her friends wisely because once you've chosen them, it might or will reflect the choices you make in life.
And the decisions you make now, will either come back to haunt you or to remind you of the blissful memories you've been through.