Tuesday, March 10, 2009

big things, big changes

Rainn Wilson on Oprah's Soul Series.
If you're wondering who Rainn Wilson is, he plays the geeky weird Dwight Schrute in the hit series The Office.

and also, a fellow Baha'i :)

It's funny how everything seems to be falling into place so fast.
I see change happening around me. Everything's moving at a good pace, and I can't help but be extremely excited to see what happens next.
The world is changing, we just gotta be a part of it :)


He talks about Soul Pancake, a blog that he co-founded, along with DEVON GUNDRY (I've mentioned him before in my blog, the one with the out of this world voice (: )

To know more about it, http://www.soulpancake.com/

Many of us youth, are afraid and uncomfortable about finding out what life really is. Youth are afraid to answer life's biggest questions. Sometimes, well, most of the time, many youth don't have the proper or comfortable place to discuss such issues that really really should be discussed.

I cut & pasted this from the website (:

SoulPancake is, quite simply, the only place on the Web to debate, wrestle with, and explore creativity AND spirituality. We're more than a forum. We're a community. Express yourself. Debate a new friend. Join us!
There's a lot of crap out on these here Internets. We want to cut through the mindless dribble and get focused on why we're alive, what art and Faith are for, and what this whole mess is all about. You know, the important stuff. There are no right or wrong answers, so speak up!

so YEAH!
Visit SOUL PANCAKE and chew on life's biggest questions :)

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