Tuesday, March 17, 2009

saving me

Last Sunday was a good day. Hectic, but good.
Mums,Paps, Nayns, Nil & I went for dim sum for open fast in the morning.
We were like the only ones there besides this one couple.
It was nice. It was quiet.

Then I went for NawRuz shopping with Nayns at Uptown.
Discounts thrill me! the cheaper, the better :)
I'm a bargain shopper,you see.
We finally bought our NawRuz dresses. and I had a good time with Nayns, I always do,she's my best buddddy :)

As soon as we got home, Sonia was waiting for us.
She took us to watch a movie, Marley & Me.
The movie beyond good. I rate it 50/10! okay I might be overreacting, just a little :) hahah I think I loved the movie so much cause I could deeply connect with it.
This might sound a little corny and you're probably thinking oh gosh it's just a dog, but everything about the movie reminded me about my darling pup(okay she's not a puppy anymore, but she sure looks and acts like one!)

I have NEVER and I repeat NEVER cried this much in a movie IN MY LIFE.
The movie ends with the death of Marley(the dog). Watching that brought me into oceans of tears. I kept on thinking to myself, I can't imagine what I'd do when Sash is gone. And ofcourse I know she's gonna leave, not too long from now, maybe in a few years but the thought of it kills me inside.

She's my baby, she's my best friend, she's my go-to-person(dog,in that matter). When I'm crying or when I'm feeling down in the dumps, Sash knows. She just knows.
When I start to cry, she'd be the one who wipes those tears away(well okaay, she licks the tears from my face. hehehheh hahahah yeah (': )

She's afraid of thunder, and lighting. Just yesterday, there was heavy rain and lots of thunder.
She came to sit next to me. Then, she looked into my eyes, and softly squealed, I could sense the fear in her squeal. Then she jumped onto my lap, layed her head down and looked at me. As I looked at her, I hugged her so tight, then I started to tear, thinking about what I'd do if something ever happened to her or if it were her time to pass on.

I love the movie. and now,I'm reading the book.

"A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. Status symbols mean nothing to him. A water logged stick will do just fine. A dog judges others not by their color or creed or class but by who they are inside. A dog doesn't care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his"
-from the book

odd to say, but we really should follow their examples, eh?

She's my Marley

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