Saturday, July 4, 2009

even the best fall down sometimes, even the stars refuse to shine.

Today has been a day of many realizations.
To let go of one of the few things I was truly sure about, I still am actually(am sure,I mean)
Thank goodness I have my mummy :') I can tell her anything and everything, and she always has the perfect answer, though sometimes it doesn't seem like it, but after rasionalising, it really is.
Whatever it is, I know I'm making the right decision. I know.. we are.
haih. but it's still so hard :'(

Anyway, today after going for Samad's carnival[we kinda went there just to see Herman's band perform and by the waaay, they were truly amazing: ) i love:) i was so happy i finally gotta see them/you perform:) ], ou with my darlings :

okay, this picture isn't exatctly nice but it's the only one I have of the band/carnival :( - :)

haih,always and forever:(

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