Tuesday, December 2, 2008

take me the way i am.

SORRY! I have been very absent.

Was just talking to the cousins, we were saying how fulfilling the holidays have been so far.
& yes, it really has.
I can't remember doing so many things in just one month!
It makes me feel oh so productive :)
Have been caught up, doing Ruhi, hanging out with my amazing cousins :).I've been seeing their faces ALOT. hehe
Aah I want every holiday to be just like this.

I watched Twilight!
on it's premiere date(thanks to Aley!love you love you (: ) & well, it was good, not great though.
I couldn't help but scream inside me, being in awe of Edward :)
mmmmmm. ehehe

My uncle's, or more like my granduncle's(but he's actually young, i think in his late 50's? or early 60's, which isn't that old to me) "farewell" is this Saturday.
He's my grandad's younger brother, his waaay younger brother.
Gramps has uuuh 9 siblings i think? (oh gosh not sure)
He recently got diagnosed with cancer.
& the whole family is just so so sad.
But we're having this party just for him, to bring him down memory lane and remind him that we're always behind him :)
I don't know him so well, since he's living in Singapore, and well, I just never really knew him.
I mean, I went for all his open houses and stuff but yeah.
I'm really excited to see the whole family, cause I barely know any of them, and they all kinda look alike (all gramps brothers & sisters) so it's hard to remember names, or even faces. uh oookay.

Well yes. Looking forward to it.
Will update after the "farewell"


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